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Stop MotionTests

Stop Motion

Opening Flowers

A movie showing opening beautiful flowers, named "Rembrandt Amaryllis Hippeastrum" or "Star of Holland".

Each frame represents 15 minutes of real time elapse. The movie plays at 25 frames per second, for a total of 430 frames, that is more than 17 seconds.


Space Invader

A movie made with Sébastien Baelde, Geneva, showing a space invader.

We did this animation in 1997, and it took us a certain amount of time, we used a video camera connected to a video capture card Miro DC-30 (Pinnacle Systems) in conjunction with Adobe Premiere and Corel Photo-Paint.



Flight of robot fishes

Made using 3D Studio Max


Flying Saucer

Made using 3D Studio Max


Simple Hills

Made using 3D Studio Max and Combustion


Real Fracture

Made using 3D Studio Max and Combustion



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Last update: September 5, 2024