Dilonardo Game Edit
Advanced game/software resources editor utility, that also includes Dilonardo Music and Audio Tools.
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Easy game resources collector and editor, that allows third parties to work on a game, without having to recompile the game project. This is only intended for small 2D games or applications, just for fun, there is currently no compatibility with DirectX.
Dilonardo Game Edit has a real-time animated multimedia contents and scalable architecture, it supports all Windows operating systems starting from Windows 98. The entire source code is written in Microsoft Visual C++ version 6, using MFC and GDI+, no external DLL (such as Codejock or other) is needed. Moreover, multiple resources files can be used simultaneously for a project.
I am currently working on a DLL that will include every functions needed to load and use the Game Edit resource files.
To modify the contents of grids, just click on a cell with the right mouse button. Use the middle mouse button to quickly move in grids.
In views that can be moved by mouse, holding the SHIFT or ALT key, produces different kind of movement.
- Multiple Document Interface application
- Advanced and optimized graphical user interface
- Handles:
- Bitmaps
- Animations
- Maps
- Texts and Parameters
- Music and Sounds
- Trajectories and Shapes
- Binary Files
- Colors
- User Interface
- Game Worlds
- Supports large volumes
- Polyphonic OGG and WAV Audio
- Image files formats supported: png, jpg, gif, tif, png, bmp, ...
- Advanced find and replace text that works also with values
- Trajectories:
- Advanced sprite trajectory edition through resample, smooth, quantify and noise algorithms
- Trajectory play speed interpolation
- Trajectory preview using background and moving object bitmaps
- Trajectory conversion to MS Windows HRGN regions
- Work also to define bounds for collision detection
- Colors store also the alpha channel
- Comments allowed for every item
- Cross-referenced bitmaps and texts
- Real-time previews
- Operations on items: Insert, Delete, Move and Group
- Support for files drag'n'drop
- Displays useful information about items
- Animations play modes: forward and backward, once and loop
- Where possible, multiple selections show multiple items at the same time
- Bitmaps memory spare with the "Crop to Alpha Channel" command
- Image files to AVI conversion tool included
- All the graphical objects store a display offset to allow adjustments to position
- Document properties
- Game internal speed can be set using the document's properties dialog box
- The resulting resource file is saved using a small encryption
- The User Interface pane allows real-time testing and preview of menus and dialogs
- The Game World design pane allows 2D games and isometric 3D projection preview
- An audio tool allows you to convert a monophonic sound to a standardized Midi synthesizer file : that means that you can map what you sing to an instrument of a synthesizer
Screen Shots
NB: Screen shots and colors may differ from actual version.
Multiple Document Interface Application
Per-View Advanced Menus
Bitmaps View
Animations View
Maps View
Maps View
Texts and Parameters View
Music and Sounds View
Trajectories and Shapes View
Trajectories and Shapes View
Trajectories and Shapes View
Binary Files View
Colors View
User Interfaces View
Game Worlds View
Audio Settings
File Open & Save
Convert Images Files to AVI File Tool
Advanced Find and Replace Text/Value
Fundamental frequency analysis document (pitch/note)
Task progress for long processes
Gradient color editor
Frequency analysis results viewer and corrector
Conversion to general midi document (for sequencers/synthesizers)
Software tester
Sébastien Baelde, Geneva, Switzerland
Audio software tester
Enrico Pontinelli, Geneva, Switzerland
System Requirements
Running at 1000 MHZ or better strongly recommended
256 MB RAM
Hard Disk
At least 300 MB of free space
True color (32 bits) recommended
Sound card and speakers
Required for listening to sounds
Changes between release version 3.8 and 3.9
- The software is now compatible with Windows Vista
- The software Dilonardo Music and Audio Tools has now been merged into it (phase 1 of 3)
You can convert a monophonic sound to a standardized Midi synthesizer file : that means that you can map what you sing to an instrument of a synthesizer
- Enhanced overall layout
- Added mouse wheel support to User Interfaces parameters
- Changed User Interfaces help texts to multiline
Changes between release version 3.7 and 3.8
- The Game Worlds pane is now fully functional. Added support for referenced worlds and worlds items. Added "Sort by Offsets Y" type for real-time Z ordering of Game World's elements. Fixed updates, play speeds and offsets bugs.
- The feature "Maintain Relationships" is now fully accessible and functional, it allows changes to be synchronized between panes. NB: The move, sort and delete operations are slower when this mode is activated. This mode is activated by default.
- Grid's cells automatically grow when you type something bigger inside
- Improved the speed of the User Interfaces pane and dialogs
- Added sort feature to grids
- Maintaining the SHIFT key while moving the cursor position in grids extents the items selection
- Removed continuous refresh from the Bitmaps pane for faster response
- Fixed crash occuring when deleting items
Changes between release version 3.6 and 3.7
- Added a new "Game Worlds" pane that allows 2D games and isometric 3D projection, functional but work still in progress...
- Enhanced the "User Interface" pane, added types "Floating Number, Text and Color", work still in progress...
- Added preview icons to the bitmaps' view
- Added an asterisk * to the document's title if it has been modified, to avoid loosing changes
- Updated the example document
- Fixed some bugs
Changes between release version 3.5 and 3.6
- Enhanced the new "User Interface" pane, now functional, but work still in progress...
- Windows XP and over: fixed wrong filename for the manifest file (Windows XP look)
Changes between release version 3.4 and 3.5
- Enabled the document file save feature
- Added zooming feature to maps' view
- Added a new "User Interfaces" pane, work in progress...
- Done missing features in the trajectories' view and fixed resample/smooth/noise/quantify algorithms to support closed trajectories, added trajectory play speed data
- Improved scroll bars
- Fixed bugs in grids and added support for mouse wheel (smooth scroll)
- Improved the graphical user interface layout, improved bitmaps list, fixed a bug in text edit controls
- Improved document's properties
- New documents file extension ".drc"
Changes between release version 3.3 and 3.4
- Fixed bugs in grids and optimized performances, including support for large volumes of data
- Greatly improved the speed and stability of the maps' view
- Fixed bugs in the trajectories' view and added a real-time speed jog button
- During a drag'n'drop operation, files are sorted by name to ensure correct sequencing
- Improved the graphical user interface layout
- In bitmaps' view, added a feature "build animation from selection"
- In Music and Sounds' view, one step inserts instead of two
- Updated the example document
- Better estimation of FPS (Frames Per Second) using an average
Changes between release version 3.2 and 3.3
- Built a setup file for safer, easier and clearer installation of the software, perfect uninstallation through Windows "Add/Remove Programs" control panel
- Improved the stability and fixed known bugs
- Improved the graphical user interface layout
If you would like to give any feedback, please use the contact page.